Since 1910 we have developed and improved range of products. We manufacture 83 million parts and pieces for more than 2500 original products today. Based on our comprehensive range of standard products we offer a customer-oriented solution meeting almost any lubrication requirement of our customers.
Pressol Chronik
Technology that leads, world-wide. First there was the idea, followed by a functional oiler. Today we offer a product range of more than 2500 articles.
Jakob Pressl sets the foundation-stone. As a ship’s officer he develops a pump oiler registering it as a patent of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Patent No. 61 713, dated September 1st, 1913.
the first manufactory is founded as a single piece production.
additional oiler types, funnels, measuring jugs, supply cans and metal oil barrel pumps provide the basis for a rapid growth.
hand lever grease guns with world-wide patents and accessories are manufactured on a large scale. Meanwhile 1.3 million grease guns leave our line-production.
starts the entrance into the workshop technology with the development of pneumatic oil and grease pumps. A continuing development process of waste oil disposal systems, hose reels, tanks and diesel supply systems completes the assortment.
we are complete supplier for lubrication technology of all types. We manufacture in series-production. More than 90% of our product range is manufactured in our own production plants. A wide product range reaches world-wide more than 15,000 customers in more than 100 countries. Our product program covers more than 2500 end products. Per year Pressol produces 83 million individual parts. Pressol-technology: Technology that leads, world-wide.