Water and Likit Gun

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Water and Likit Gun

Item No: 1232

Washing gun for water and cleaning agents with progressive opening valve. Ideal for fuel stations, car-wash facilities, gardening, etc. • FIELDS OF APPLICATION: For non aggresive liquids • MATERIALS USED: Body: Nickel-plated Brass (CW614N UNI-EN 12164) Nickel-plated aluminium (Al Si 11 Cu 2 (Fe) UNI EN 1706) Non-slip rubber (TPV PP-EPDM 70Sh.) Product delivery tube: Nickel-plated Brass (CW614N UNI 12449) Nickel-plated aluminium (Al Si 11 Cu 2 (Fe) UNI EN 1706) Lever: Nickel-plated steel (Fe P01-P02-P04 UNI EN 10025) Rivet: Zinc-plated steel (CB4FF EN 10263/2) Valve: Brass (CW614N UNI-EN 12164) / NBR 70 Spring: Stainless steel (AISI 302 UNI EN 10088-3) Seal washers: NBR Nozzles: Nickel-plated Brass (CW614N UNI-EN 12164) • OPERATING TEMPERATURE: -10°C (253°K), +90°C (343°K) • GUN CONNECTION THREAD: 3/8” F BSP Cylindrical gas thread • OPERATING PRESSURE: Maximum  pressure 30 bar

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